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It’s been quite a long time since I have posted some wedding images here – not that I didn’t take any wedding images, on the contrary ! 😉

To catch up a bit I am posting some images at an unusual time – between 2 shooting sessions. Katrin & Manuel got married last Thursday and today we will have a photo session in different places of Mauritius (mainly the South as they are based at Le Morne). Thus I’ll post, in a part 2, some more images of them after today’s experience.

Katrin & Manuel come from Germany and got married at the Dinarobin, Le Morne. Their parents from both sides were there to witness and support their love, with a lot of emotions. It was fun for me as I had to talk to them in German, which I haven’t done for a long time (my German is now quite rusted, but we managed to understand altogether well :)). The weather was nice, although some heavy clouds brought a bit of rain and virtually “killed” the nice light of golden hour (the hour just before sunset). Hopefully we will have a nice sunset today … 😛

So, here is the first batch of images of Katrin & Manuel wedding day:

Je souhaite une très bonne fête à toutes les mamans en cette belle journée, et tout particulièrement à ma maman, qui me manque beaucoup et qui se trouve à l’autre bout du monde. Mais aussi, à ma grand mère, Mauricette, la maman de ma maman; à ma femme ,Diane, la maman de mes enfants; et à ma belle-mère, Pauline. Toutes ces mamans autour de moi sont des femmes extraordinaires 🙂

Et pour célébrer cette fête des mères, voici quelques images de Diane et nos enfants, Chloé et Simon, à la mer. Plus bas se trouvent quelques images des champs de canne à sucre en fleur actuellement (pour une fois, j’ai arrêté ma voiture pour capturer cette merveille 😉 ):

Toutes les photos ci-présentes ont été prises avec un “petit” Canon G11.

Hi my dear friends,

I am very sorry to have not been able to update my blog for more than a month ! I’ll try to catch up soon with a lot of new images 😉

Let’s start this with a great day Diane and I had yesterday, for a great event: our 10th wedding anniversary ! 🙂 Time really flies so quickly, I can’t believe it’s been already 10 years ! For this special occasion, we wanted to do something special, together without the kids. We decided then to spend the day in the South-western part of the island close to Le Morne, a famous UNESCO patrimony mountain.

We started to climb Le Morne at 6:30am – the landscapes were just amazing: wonderful mountain profile of Mauritius, breath-taking beauty of the lagoons … It was a not very easy trip with a slope of more than 500m from the sea level to the top of the mountain. We did it with Yan De Maroussem, a friend of us – if you want to organize some climbings, some trecks or anything linked to nature in Mauritius, he is THE guy to contact (his website). 3 hours later, we went back to the seaside at he feet of Le Morne for a good refreshing orange juice, chilling out on one of the most beautiful beach in Mauritius. For lunch, we drove in the mountain to a great restaurant with another different view of Le Morne – Varangue sur Morne. We rested a bit in the afternoon, picked up the kids at school and went for a delicious Beijing duck in a chinese restaurant. What a great day we had !! 🙂

Please enjoy some images taken during the day, mainly from the climbing of Le Morne:


May 2011


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